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What if I am new to packrafting?There are four questions to ask yourself before renting a packraft and deciding on a trip: Am I traveling with experienced packrafters? Do I have the experience to paddle this raft in unknown situations and do I have appropriate safety gear? Should I consider taking a packrafting course before I plan a trip? Do I know the weather forecast and all of the latest river information for where I want to packraft?
How do I prepare for the trip?Enjoying your trip means being fully prepared. If you have any doubt about your skill level, friend's skill level, or your trip plans, make sure you research your destination by reading blog entries by people who have been on that trip route recently.
Which size of raft do I need: Llama, Yak, or Alpaca?"The proper fit is, legs slightly bent and feet touching the front of the raft. General guidelines are: 5'10" & Above — Llama 5'7"-5'10" — Yak 5'6" & Under — Alpaca
Do I need any accessories?For packrafting in Alaska, we recommend you bring a drysuit, inflatable floor mats, dry bags, and a dry pack.
How long will I need the raft?The rates are based on 24-hour rental. You need to consider your travel plans and when you pickup and drop off your raft. Then look at our rental plan and rates to see where your needs fit into what we have to offer. We offer flexible pickup and drop-off times to accommodate you and your trip plans.
Can I reserve in advance?We do not take reservations. Send email with your wilderness trip needs and dates. We will respond with a quote, look for your confirmation two weeks prior to your trip. So if you have trip plans months or weeks out and you want to assure yourself a raft email as soon as you know your dates. This will get you to the top of the list for that time period.
What if I am an experienced renter?Please send an email with detailed packrafting needs and we will respond with a quote.
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